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Upper School

(Grades 9-12)

A deep and well-rounded experience


They are independent and curious. 他们积极地投入学习. And they can be found throughout the Upper School studying, researching, or providing help to peers. Maumee Valley students love to learn, and that passion is evident in everything they do.


  • 在写作和研究方面有很强的基础
  • Critical thinking and innovation
  • 科学探索和问题解决
  • 精通世界语言和文化
  • Collaboration with peers and adults
  • Establishing a world view
  • 欣赏和从事艺术
  • Balancing freedom and responsibility

students lined up on colorful wall

Faculty advisors who give wisdom and support in all areas of school life create a culture of caring and personal attention. 从友好的人际关系到小班授课, students are known, cared for, 并以独特的方式受到尊重. Daily check-ins and three-times-a-week advisee meetings foster the student-faculty connections that help define the Maumee Valley experience.

All of this in an environment with 8:1 student-to-faculty ratios and where lockers that don’t have locks because the community is built on a foundation of respect and trust.

Outstanding results and opportunities

Although our curricula is not designed specifically to help students pass state testing, 尽管如此,我们的学生还是为标准化考试做好了充分的准备. Upper School students consistently score above national and independent school averages on the ACT and SAT. 优秀的核心课程辅以大学先修课程, as well as elective classes, 比如《mg冰球突破试玩》, Cultural Anthropology, and International Relations.

去年,37名MVCDS学生被指定为APmg冰球突破试玩. 一个是国家APmg冰球突破试玩, 11 as AP Scholars of Distinction, 5 as AP Scholars with Honors, and 20 as AP Scholars. 还有像Intensives这样的创新机会, the Seal of Biliteracy Program, and the Global Scholar Certificate also challenge students and prepare them for top colleges. 高中培养终身学习者和世界公民.

group photo for maumee valley


课堂内外的出色表现延伸到了大学录取过程中. 因为mg冰球突破试玩令人难以置信的声誉, 择优录取大学的传统, 以及学生参与的机会, lead, and engage, 我们的毕业生通常都能进入他们首选的大学.

我们每年都达到百分之百的四年制大学入学率, 我们的绝大多数校友都获得了高等学位.



Upper School’s signature program

mg冰球突破试玩强化项目在该地区是独一无二的. Upper School students engage in three Intensive periods of study per year in the fall, winter and spring, with each lasting three weeks. Every year of a student’s Upper School career rotates between a three-week Intensive and a 12-week rotation.

Why Intensives?

  • Experiential learning
  • Problem-solving in the real word
  • Life-Changing Experiences
  • Travel domestically and abroad
  • Cultural immersion
  • 专业人脉和实习
  • Independent study projects

学生可以选择包括校园体验在内的课程, local and international trips, and independent study projects. By the end of their fourth year, Maumee Valley graduates develop a broad range of experiential knowledge and skills that better prepares them to pursue an education at a more competitive level. Intensives enhance their learning by providing an in-depth study of a topic and allowing further opportunities to explore personal academic pathways while earning academic credit.

国外有五颜六色的衣服 World travel

On average, 令人惊讶的是,70%的高中学生在毕业前出国留学, 充分利用去法国等令人难以置信的目的地旅行的机会, Ecuador, China, Guatemala, Egypt, South Africa, Turkey, and Thailand.

在国外有盘子的学生Life-changing experiences

学生们经常利用这些沉浸式体验来探索未来的职业生涯. Intensives have proven to be highly influential in helping students decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives.

teacher pointing at boardPromoting confidence

Intensives promote connected learning, independence, commitment to personal goals, and professional networking as students develop a portfolio of experiences that make them more competitive in the college admission process.

student in recording roomIndependent study

最近的独立研究包括医学研究, marketing internships, 了解发展中国家的食品安全, 以及国际商务概论.

Advanced Placement

Challenging and engaging

开设的课程既有速成课程,也有多学科课程. Selected students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade can engage in college-level coursework through the College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP).

Currently, Upper school students can choose from an extensive selection of Advanced Placement classes such as 2-D & 3-D Design, Biology, Chemistry, Chinese Language, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, Music Theory, Physics, Spanish, and U.S. History.

因为我们课程的严格性, 通常建议学生每年不超过三门AP课程. However, 如果学生想要学习更具挑战性的课程, 与顾问和大学辅导员的会面很容易安排. (如果学生想参加不作为课程提供的AP考试, an order can be placed for that exam. 然而,学生的考试准备将不得不在课堂外完成.)

Last year 46 percent of the 80 Maumee Valley students who sat for Advanced Placement exams last spring were designated AP Scholars by The College Board in recognition of their exceptional achievement on the college-level Advanced-Placement (AP) Program Exams. 在全国范围内,到2022年,这一比例仅为18%左右.8 million high school students worldwide who took AP Exams performed at a sufficiently high level to merit the recognition of AP Scholar.

Academic Support

Dayal Center for Academic Excellence

The Dayal Center for Academic Excellence (DCAE) provides academic support for all Middle and Upper School students to help them reach their academic and personal potential. In addition, 该中心协调同伴和专业辅导, provides study-skill assistance, 并在集训期间支持独立学习体验.


Scheduled and drop-in tutoring is available to students for all courses in the Middle and Upper School. Tutors may include Maumee Valley students, parents, friends, alumni, and professional tutors. 因为我们的目标是让学生尽可能独立思考, 导师采取个性化的方法. Tutors work closely with student support staff and classroom teachers to design effective support. 辅导可以安排在空闲时间、午餐时间或放学后.

Study Assistance

Personalized assistance is available for students in need of developing skills in time management, organization, note-taking, reading comprehension, test preparation, and test anxiety. Emphasis is placed on specific study strategies that are designed to support each student’s learning profile. 课程还旨在促进基本生活技能的发展, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and stress management. All students in 9th grade meet with the student support specialist during the fall Intensive and first 12-week rotation. Assistance with study skills may be requested by any student during free periods or after school.

The DCAE Staff

  • 与学校的教育心理学家协调, intervention specialist, school counselor, school nurse, faculty, and advisors
  • 为有学习差异的学生提供帮助(课外测试), SAT/ACT/AP accommodations, group, and individual support to develop coping strategies specific to each student’s needs)
  • Promotes discussion between students and the director of college counseling to build resumes, set up independent studies, and connect with enrichment programs
  • Offers SAT/ACT/AP test preparation

Our Upper School Staff

Dr. Jami Barnes

Jami Barnes

Dean of Academics and Registrar
Upper School Science Teacher

Brian Bozanich

Brian Bozanich

Upper School Director of Theatre

Mallory Brazeau

Mallory Brazeau

Upper School Math Teacher

Charles Brown

Charles Brown

Vocal Music Teacher

Colleen Browning-Nyaosi

Colleen Browning-Nyaosi

International Program Manager

Gracie Chamberlain

Gracie Chamberlain

Upper School Math Teacher

Martha Chandran-Dickerson

Martha Chandran-Dickerson

Upper School English Teacher

Dan Cohen

Dan Cohen

Upper School Social Studies Teacher

Robert Daine

Robert Daine

Upper School Math Teacher

Sara Dowling

Sara Dowling

School Psychologist
419-381-1313 ext. 143

Harman Stephanie

Stephanie Harman

Head of Upper School (grades 9-12)
419-381-1313 ext. 151

Kate Fleming

Kate Fleming

Upper School Social Studies Teacher

Trent Hayes

Trent Hayes

Director of College Counseling

Lynnell Jefferson

Lynnell Jefferson


Cecilia Johnson

Cecilia Johnson


Kristin Kowalski

Kristin Kowalski

Middle and Upper School Art Teacher
Director of the Wolfe Gallery
Fine Arts Department Chair

Sara Lester

Sara Lester

Upper School Humanities Teacher
English Department Chair
Yearbook Sponsor

Niki McCoy

Niki McCoy

Director of Residential Life

Christopher McNulty

Christopher McNulty

Upper School Science Teacher

Adriana McNally

Adriana McNally

Upper School Spanish Teacher
US World Languages Department Chair

Erin McNulty

Erin McNulty

Upper School English Teacher

Virginia Morris

Virginia Morris


Dan Mumford

Dan Mumford

Upper School Social Studies Teacher
Model United Nations Coordinator

Kelsy Oberhaus

Kelsy Oberhaus

Upper School Spanish Teacher

Erin Ohls

Erin Ohls

Intervention Specialist

Phil Paskvan

Phil Paskvan

Director of Technology

Adam Porth

Adam Porth

Upper School Math Teacher


Heather Rakosik

Assistant Athletic Director

Brandon Slotterbeck

Brandon Slotterbeck

Upper School Science Teacher

Jana Smith

Jana Smith

Upper School Dean of Students

Bennett Whitaker

Bennett Whitaker

Director of Student Support
Upper School Support Specialist

Carol Yuan

Carol Yuan

Upper School Mandarin Chinese Teacher



Support Dog

Headlines from the Upper School